We Are Resistance: Perception Recover... 2:59
Only madmen and militarists would ever approve of our "new millennium horrorshow" under the Republican rule of the Bush criminal family, Cheney and his corporate cohorts, the CIA-- even our slave-owning founding fathers, those great white icons carved into the Black Hills, would be horrified at the fascist mental slavery we are living under, and such defeated compliance with levels of corruption as to qualify as a "nation of thieves & liars." Such stark reality and truth are apparent to those who are victims of our White House and so-called "intelligence agency" attacks.
The game-show media bubble we are all trapped in is a maze of mirrors, smoke, repetitive "polling" & other perception management tools, largely influenced by secretive PR firms and the layers of government & intelligence agencies, keeping us all daily mesmerized, semi-confused, gossip-mongering, and fundamentally "full of shit." The crowds of bullies in Florida and Fox News decided that Bush 43 would rule over us, not our democracy. Crowds of white bullies now chant "drill baby drill" as they elbow any chance of actual issues being addressed out of the way. Or history. Or the "reality on the ground" of our world in desperate ruins, surrounded by killing machinery, maimed children and burned-out wastelands. Once upon a time money was the root of this wickedness. Now it's OIL & all of its by-products. Gasoline seeps into our very souls.
Submitted by: GalaxyGarden
Keywords: The Republican criminal family Mauna Kea revolution uprising anarchy war cia Mind Control perception hypnosis radical
Views: 2,753
We Are Resistance: Perception Recovery Collective to the Rescue!